Friday, May 8, 2009

Penipuan aktif dalam Malaysia - A lesson from my good friend

Aku aku dapat emel dalam SAJOHA yahoo group - emel dalam emel. Jadi mungkin kita boleh berkongsi pengajaran daripadanya bersama.....(aku tukar merah ke kuning sebab merah sangatlah mak ngah!)
Pada 18/4/09, saya telah menjadi salah seorang dari mangsa kejadian commercial fraud. Saya hilang RM5,000 dalam sekelip mata di ATM machine Sek 11 Shah Alam. Kawan2, tolonglah baca kisah di bawah (sama sebijik dengan apa yang berlaku dengan saya termasuk amount yang diberi) untuk dijadikan panduan. Yang saya merahkan itu semuanya sama. Semuanya nampak real, dan kita transfer duit itu tanpa pengetahuan.
Terima kasih Puan Wan Normila kerana forward email kisah mangsa ini kerana saya penat cerita dengan setiap orang.
Jadi, tak perlulah suruh saya cerita lagi dan berhati-hatilah kerana polis tak boleh buat apa, malah kita dimarah dan dipersalahkan (mungkin juga). Begitu juga dengan pihak bank negara.
Dear frens, The following was written by my colleague in his Facebook. he was recently cheated by this syndicate. Please be careful if this happens to you.. Dear friends, I have been cheated recently. So I would like to share my experience with you all on how the tactic they use. You can forward this to your friends so they will know about it
1) On Saturday, I receive a phone call from AMBank , a system playback message announce that "You have outstanding balance of RM4,982 for the AMBank credit card, kindly make the payment asap. For customer service, please press 1" (This is the first step, they make you angry. When you angry, you lost your mind)
2) Since I do not have credit card service with AM Bank, I press 1 to talk to the customer service. And after providing my name and IC number, the customer service told me that there is a credit card under my name. I respond that I did not applied it before. The customer service say is it possible that people stole your info and make a credit card from it. She suggest me to call the Bank Negara - Pusat Pengurusan Kad Palsu to make a report so that they will investigate on it (saya kena hari sabtu dan perkara terus berlaku hari yang sama). Since it is Sunday, she suggest I make the phone call on Monday and provide me a phone number (kononnya no tel bank negara) 03-8659 0241 (no yang saya dapat adalah 03-27727268 - kawan2 leh try call untuk dengar -memang real. malahan, saya masih boleh bercakap dengan orang itu (miss kee and jacky)...... .....tapi polis tak boleh buat apa......... . duit yang saya transfer kepada lee chee peng ic no 680319085221, saya tanya ambank, orang ini aktif dan dalam hari yang sama dengan saya 18/4/09 ada 3 transaction yang lain........ .......tapi polis tak leh tangkap kononnya saya transfer duit tanpa paksaan, dan orang ini pun tak tahu wujud atau tidak. yang pasti akaun orang JAHAT ini kosong, dia dah transfer pada orang lain melalui internet banking.........AMBANK pun lembab) . (This is a fake number, Bank Negara do not have such department. Bank negara number is 03-2698-8044) 3) On Monday morning, I make a phone call (saya terus buat panggilan hari yang sama) to the given number, I can hear the announcement "Terima Kasih kerana menhubungi Bank Negara..." After that I talk to a guy that speak in Malay (kes saya-bangsa cina cakap melayu jacky nama diberi..huhuhuu. ) He call me back later with the same callerID, and start to ask my detail of complain. He also keep on telling me that if what I say is not true, I will be caught by police and jail. He then ask for all my credit card detail, have I ever use credit card on ATM, my ATM card and the balance. He also told me not to expose the report detail to my friends as it may affected the investigation result. After that he give me a report number and mentioned that a colleague from other department will help me to secure all my bank accounts. (They do this step to make you believe that they are true, so that you will corporate with them) 4) After a while, I receive a phone call from a girl (cina-Miss KEE) , she told me that they have suspend all my bank accounts now. But the ATM card they cannot do it remotely, hence she want me to go to the ATM machine, and key in some special "PIN" to stop the card. After I reach the ATM, she call me and told me that later what I see on screen is not the true info. I just need to key in the PIN given by her. So I just follow the step and key in everything. She then ask me to destroy the transaction slip and throw it away. Then told me within 3 days cannot use my ATM cards and other bank accounts. (Key in the "PIN" at ATM is fake also, those PIN is actually somebody account number and the amount to be transfer.)
My suggestion Always call back to the Bank to verify, are you really have that credit card? Bank always have a tollfree number, including Bank Negara. And you can easily find the real bank number on internet This guy is a Senior Engineer in my office. We can easily say " hiya. how can he be so gullible to listen to the lady on the phone and actually transfer funds out of his account (termasuklah saya orang kata saya stupid, ediot,etc.) and mengikut kata polis, yang kena ni semua educated termasuklah salah seorang dekan UiTM " BUT reality is that when it happens to you - in the panicky situation. you too may lose touch of our sanity for a short period of time (sebab kes saya, saya baru kehilangan ic sahaja, jadi saya ingat ada orang guna identiti saya).... Sekian


kembara kelana said...

terima kasih min

HBM Consultant said...

Terlalu banyak kes sebegini terjadi akhir-akhir ini. Soalnya, dari mana mereka tahu maklumat kita (no. telefon, email dan sebagainya?)

Saya juga nyaris tertipu dengan satu email kononnya dari bank. Apabila saya tidak mengendahkan arahan email, mereka telefon saya dan saya kata, "Hari ini Ahad, saya akan ke bank esok."

Mereka mula berdolak dalih untuk menyelesaikan 'masalah' pada hari ahad itu juga. Saya bengang (kebetulan sedang tertekan dgn masalah peribadi) dan saya kata pada mereka "kalau nak sekat sangat akaun saya, sekat aje lah!" sebelum memutuskan talian.

Esoknya, pegawai bank mengesahkan panggilan itu hanyalah cubaan untuk menipu. Saya membuat laporan polis dan kes itu senyap begitu sahaja!

rafi_reenz said...

huh, gle dasyat abg ngah.....Nway terima kasih atas info tersebut....

aliza said...

Min, sama macam kes aku masa kat genting highlands yang kita tengah kursus kat IAB. Nasib baik aku tak gia ATM buat pertukaran pin number tu.